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National Exchange Club

Attn: Awards Program

3050 Central Avenue

Toledo, OH 43606-1700

Phone: (419) 535-3232                                                          

Fax: (419) 535-1989                                                       


Summary: To recognize and reward outstanding high school seniors who have overcome obstacles.

Eligibility: Open to high school students who have made a dramatic change in their attitude and performance sometime during their high school years and are now eligible for high school graduation. Candidates should have overcome great physical, emotional, or social obstacles, including physical difficulties, language difficulties, child abuse, delinquency, or substance abuse. They must first be selected by their local Exchange Club, and the club's award chair must submit a 275-word description of the candidate's problem and how it was overcome. The students must also submit 2 essays of 250 words each: 1) the event or events in their life that they are most proud of, and 2) their plans for the future to make their community and world a better place to live. Other selection criteria include community service activities and volunteer service hours. District winners are selected from among the local club nominees, and the national winner is chosen from among the district winners.

Financial data: The winner receives a $10,000 scholarship. Duration: The award is presented annually.

Additional information: This award is identified as the A.C.E. Award. Number awarded: 1 each year.

Deadline: Districts must submit their candidates by May of each year.